Linear Equations
Matrices of pixels, each dot depending on the next dot.
Two birds times one updraft equals the sum of lift and glide.
Graph the sun’s fall as a function of a gnat’s perception of time.
Are there really only a hundred suns in a gnat’s life?
Graph darkness versus its tendency to lighten.
There are rows of atoms in rows of cells in rows of corn.
The volume of air in a deep cave is greater than the sum of its parts.
Ask a spelunker to differentiate light’s vector. Follow that course.
Graph the activity of a winter bird as a function of ambient temperature.
Graph all of the molecules in the universe as a function of size.
Its integral is somewhere between one and infinity, but not the middle number.
Balance the equation: entropy equals one heartbeat divided by zero.
Then explain to me why heat will not flow from a colder body to a hotter body.
You should be dead, but you aren’t. Graph that.
-Chiron Review, 2011. Print only